Not long ago a gentleman on the Internet who supports Hezbollah and Al Qaeda got online and said that the United States is bogged down in Iraq, obviously repeating the words of George Soros and John Kerry. Basically we put the guy in his place and told him that;

"You can repeat the struggling motif as much as you want, the fact is there is no chance in heck of Iran or Syria lasting 3-days in a battle with US forces, that is the fact and if Iran thinks it is going to give nuclear weapons to international terrorists and we decide to pre-empt, then do not believe we would spare any tool at our disposal."

Then the enemy combatant who actually lives within the modern battlespace tells us that all we know how to do in the military is play xBox$%: So again we let the guy have it and we stated;


"Just because Mr. Ed Halter has written the book; "From Sun Tzu to xBox - war and video games" does not mean that our war scenario strategic planners do not have the real world Syria and Iran covered everyway from Sunday "On Any Sunday" warm or chilly in said sandbox."

We went on to say; In fact it is thinking like yours that gets a whole lot of people in a whole lot of trouble, when they kid themselves about the reality of winning wars when political impasse occurs because something is clearly not considering the ramifications of the warnings of Carl von Clauswitz about pre-emption and when it is most advised.

Norman Friedman also agrees in his new book; "Terrorism, Afghanistan, and America's new way of war" but do not believe for a second that those in the thinking and study group believe for a minute that Sun Tzu or Colonel Boyd are the only advisors in military strategy, as the truth be known that, playing both sides of the marketing mix of military assets allows us to mix and mingle before Chris Kringle a day in hell and the power of 100 Suns and a battle that can be won before the night of the second son, Mr. President Bush to you my dear sir.

Active reports

Do not be naive and speak with your fellow Arabs next door, because otherwise it will be a dark day in human history, but will be necessary to prevent a darker one. Did I make myself perfectly clear my friend. We are with peace if peace be with us. If not and the latter is chosen, the United States will prevail in a war of 100 battles whether we are perceived in the Middle Eastern Media as having done so or not.

Because at the end of the day, our political will, will indeed be served and on the plates of an eight course meal and other folks participating on the same online chat stated things in completely different terms, proving there is a cultural as well as a digital divide in the World today, as he stated in so many terms; so tell your Arab friends to bend over and face North if they wish because the clock is ticking.

You can see that it is almost impossible to discuss peace with an indoctrinated 12-30 year old Muslim male who is ready to fight and die in the name of his god. This ought to be a real eye-opener for those who still believe it is possible to win someone's heart and mind as cultures clash in 2007.

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