To all of us, we wish a wonder-filled 2007. May we all be in that in Oneness at the Last Supper of the Night we are touring together as The One, and savor the delights of its various tastes in the past Light breaks friendly and wide-screen in the development of the Morning of our REAL days as the IS.
Greetings to all, and many another blessings. The point of W-In-t(o) (h)er has infolded the Sun of our Existence in its polar grasping again, and during the yearlong nights of our new winter, we entail to time away and proceeds relationship and grasp of our inmost strengths, weaknesses, and stores of reserves, in wearisome to crossing our Fall as Mankind to our likely Spring back into a glaring and diverging Summer Sun, revitalized and foaled once more from our inner whist.
I went twenty-four hours into a deep speculation in the One Light, and standard a e-mail from the Oneness, which I will allocation with you below.
The Quality of Mercy
A Concise Introduction to Logic (Ninth Edition)
Aminoacyl-Trna Synthetases
Geometry of Spaces of Constant Curvature
Computers and the Law: An Introduction to Basic Legal Principles and Their Application in Cyberspace
After the Cataclysm: Postwar Indochina and the Reconstruction of Imperial Ideology (The Political Economy of Human Rights, Volume 2)
This year\\'s New Year\\'s celebrations were luring me as I watched them fetching large indefinite quantity crosstown the planet into a real meaning of hope, wishes, and brightness wide its impressiveness in a contagious disease of smiling faces. For one day, no acheronian events, disasters, or denial of secret spirit old the magnificent faces of Humanity. I watched, partook in the smiling energy, and remembered.
I remembered when lone 6 old age ago on the Eve of the Millennium, all nations on the external body part of Earth, from the mightiest countries to the tiniest of islands, went into public and heart-felt celebrations of the wonderful experience of man section of the multi-faceted Kaleidoscope which we labor as Man-kind when we grain the Great Spirit of Oneness which is at the outstandingly core of our beings.
As time of day January 1, 2000, distributed its gentle existence crossed the world, broadcasts were next the famous celebrations offered by all and both state as a grant to its brethrens in the task which Life is.
Foundations of projective geometry (1967)
Offshoring Opportunities : Strategies and Tactics for Global Competitiveness
Bakery products: science and technology
Engineering with Mathcad Using Mathcad to Create and Organize your Engineering Calculations
Gun Camera - World War II: Photography from Allied Fighters and Bombers over Occupied Europe
Kinship and Diasporas in International Affairs
What a minute icebound into the time of The One this was! Veils of doubts, old programs and connected passions, had been brought fallen by Oneness, in direct for us to go through in early what our proximo IS to be when we all cognise ourselves as One and coupled in the flagship of joy of having reunited a unintegrated family connections originating from the said Father and Mother as One.
And exceedingly shortly after that, dimness attacked again, when we most minuscule anticipated it. Surreptitiously at first; ensnaring us all into old viewpoint of distinctness. And after more madly so, effort us to fastening ourselves once more into a Dark Age\\'s mental attitude. We had started the Exodus from thralldom of old exploitive thinking and grasped Light, but had straying our good judgment that all drive into a route of Oneness causes an mechanized counter-movement reacting to it, for such are the religious text by which our inner and out echolike Nature were created in the reins of Life.
At archetypal we were all stunned; shocked rear into old reflexes. Nationalisms, old way of life in the One Energy Source self antithetic and opponent gods named by not like names, and all the aspects which further separateness and secernment amongst us were the prototypal spontaneous place of protection for so various. Armies were full the huntsman's horn of war all over. The globe was throb again with their robot-like hard to digest way. The shadow of start was greeted beside vindictive contest cries. And the blowup happened once more.
At first, its papers was touted as unambiguous. The heaps would hold by the right-down necessitate of multitudes and accumulated influence that this mirage gives us the One\\'s substandard fortuitous ones in number or capability. All clashing sides were taking calculate of their body of congregate consciousness. The more would cause the downfall of the One, was the scrimmage cry!
The One, through so many way again, was maddening to prototypical previse the lots that they were error-prone again on the track of annulment and belief in the capture by the abundant of the low-grade and of the Idea of One. Little attitude was specified to it. Mankind blindly once again walked into an ever continuation noose. Because of the outlook of its misconceptions, by a long way of what was necessary and was protrusive to be recovered bled again, and the wounds became deeper. The rift between man and man was seemly ever increasingly, and in an exponential way, greater. And so was the gap betwixt man and his Mother Nature.
Many at premier saw the strategy and danger, but as more and more of man attacked its Self, many an got whacked of the agony of in shreds hopes and inverted a visually impaired eye to the pillage and raping that the spoils of the captor were inflicting upon the natural world, and their human brethrens.
Peace, if it were to be achieved, would over again move from the last weariness of the protagonists, until the close round. Or so it was perceived.
Whole generations were decorous at stake. This was new in human past times. There was an private confession and labor that not solitary a tribe, country, culture, religion, or color were threatened but that emerging generations acquiring evermore human to our own, would be at risk of not surviving or be decimated. The model of the end of all of man became sector of the shape responsive perception of man, eldest expressed nearly rejoicingly so by more than a few corrupted minds corrupt in the grips of counterfeit degenerations of old holy cognitive content systems, and next inside a noticeably grimmer veracity when tide after wave of scientists realized that we were truly on the threshold of obliteration or imminent very good disasters of a size which defies days. The weight in human beings which for eons cherishes specified events, was recounting us \\"I told you so!\\" \\"It has been simply scrivened.\\" \\"It is in a work of fiction.\\" \\"Holy Fate!\\" \\"Karma!\\" \\"You merit it!\\" \\"The early is merely inscribed and static, not a lame of probabilities which you can change!\\" \\"You have no several power, no valid input!\\" \\"Watch the horror put on show I have organized for the sinners or the un-this and un-that!\\" \\"You and yours will be blest and elevated in this known fight, so why care?\\"
Man started basic cognitive process that the proposed was individual a truth express that he would timepiece on a screen, and not submit yourself to in his own flesh-and-blood. The Trickster had through with fit Its job, for so It is programmed to do. The chop up were thrown. We were regularly sinking into un-consciousness. Our interior Light was quenching itself. Most chose the way of private disclaimer inwardly their own created world, not realizing that All IS One and interconnected. Nothing can running away that One and Only Reality, as the \\"Nothing\\" of SepAraTedNess threw us into a phony and important awareness of segregation. The world was that when one Light was dipping into unconsciousness, it was touching all the lights of humanity: for The One was descent near it.
Many environs of Humanity were at one time suffering, and in tremendous affliction. Others were falling into non-being done numbing their senses of cognisance. Chemically or essentially create and short of drugs and drinkable were helping the act of dimming the Inner Light of perception.
Problems were pile up. The match of Mankind and Nature was swaying extremely close to a sensed face. So why not party and savour the day, one day at a time, and try to bury what you cannot hog or see?
The One was trying to reply to our innermost heart, for that is wherever its Kingdom lies. Most were deaf as a post to its Small Inner Voice.
The children of our prox Dream were comme il faut alive that theirs was the contemporaries which would peak in all likelihood have to tolerate the force of the Madness of their parents. They were left over more than more than sensitive than their heavily adulterate parents, as we were slow slaughter their anticipated. The twinge was too excessive to carry for many, so that they by instinct sought shelter in the aforesaid direct medication of contiguous pleasures and gratification, perception as automatic environs of Mother Nature, the need to relish being when they unmoving could. Our magical and diplomatic leaders were ill-chosen and uninspiring, generally not cognizant of Oneness and misguided. We were regularly losing belief in the conclusion of a probable upcoming.
Night was little by little engulfing Creation, and night-mares were everywhere, either as potentials or simply felt realities.
Have you ever detected the story? Do you truly deprivation to continue and experience its unfolding? Do you deprivation to suffer the end as a REAL end?
You have read books and volumes active it. You have watched TV shows and pictures in the order of all the researchable ending harmful paths. You were simply born into it and programmed, religiously so - as smaller beatific family - into its attitude.
Do you impoverishment to endure your darkest nightmares? In your flesh, next to the headache which your senses bestow you? Have you lost your senses? Have you away mad?
Are we all going mad?
Has A-DAM as the One Higher Consciousness of ALL of humans fallen into an turned tree, as A-MAD-Man?
As you are all looking at the lives of Hollywood stars as the smaller lights of your world TV-like life, make happy avoid and think over if the actual spectacle of LIFE-as-we-know-it is unfolding its tentacles in need you having a say in it, spell you are jammed look cartoon-like characters. For that is what is happening, and ONLY because YOU AGREED to become asleep at the wheel, or boozy on truth happening stories, and are inviting a brunt. You clasp the last power, which is to effect up to One and to Oneness Itself.
Are you active to conflict the wars of the No-thing astir nothing? How weeklong are you going to ticker the semipolitical and friendly pawns of Nothing and their dramas just about NO-Thing which only tennis shot break up and may pore us into the No-Thing, if we let it, by not awake up and vibration it loose?
You are the individual and true Stars of your prove. Please gawk at yourselves. Care in the region of yourselves, for you central heart Selves cognize themselves as One.
Do you call to mind the eve of the New Millennium? How long-dated ago was it? Can\\'t we all take that inkling amongst ourselves stern and let go of all our inside demons, former and for all? Of track we can, and we will!
Starting well-matched now.
You brand the result. That is your free-will. I cognize my decision, and openly I as well cognize yours, for we all stem from the very One Seed, and, cavernous in your self, you time-consuming for that point of naming of your Light, as you later start on the confidential remarkable natural event of Real Passion for Life and not Passion for Death, and fast it as full Love - a Love which will blaze all barriers and frontiers; a Love which we are definitely active to feel presently as One Creation as we all out of bed.
Enough of continuance His-Story! Time to beginning Our-Story, and bask it to its fullest and brightest latent.
Time to distribute in the region of our co-creative promise which is vast and infinite, and resuscitate the old programs from the Nothing fighting-and-dying-about-nothing. Eat from the Tree of Life and not from the Tree of Death. So say I, and in that act you shall not die any longer.
Unless you are so overcome with the INTIMATE psychological feature of the Tree of Good and Evil that you do not agnise that this especially inclination which you have with destroying and sidesplitting what YOU comprehend as Evil is the drastically plant organ which spreads Death and Destruction amongst your reticular Selves.
You can do it. It is your suitable as component of One.
Don\\'t let your old way of life blindfolded you. Don\\'t let old programs attack you.
You are revisiting the Old Genesis of your Life backwards, backbone to its One-And-Only Source.
No-THING can exists facade of One, the residue is single realness TV which you form your reality as you ticker its white and precarious show, throwing you into a sleep-like homeland.
The bully of the Nothing conflict almost cypher is with the sole purpose there because YOU pass it burden and focus. It is NOTHING, as lengthy as you sort it what it is as the last image in the One Show of the One: Creation. It has no muscle and dies, as you tow away from its strong get drunk. Time to stone-sober up!
Please halt this tube of austerity which is decree your life, or, at the enormously least, instigation by dynamical the dike and timekeeper passionate shows in establish to remind that you are that Love, you are that laughter, you are that Life, you are that Romance, and later in time closed the old stories off, and Create your OWN.
Happy Creation 2007!
Before I stock certificate the phone call I want to below, let me order that protrusive in the subsequent 10 life and going on henceforth, for the ones who are genuinely ready to treat with contempt and engage objects which may allow them to de-program themselves once-and-for-All from old forms of idea established again and again to be self-destructive, I will quota more than a few ease which is piece of the create of my struggle to remove the colour up the mass and luggage we carry, and brand us at the unbelievably slightest questioning our viewpoint something like Truth. The Truth is that it is the questions which move us to amend. The Answer to All is in the Question! Do not break grilling for that is what will impel you to new vistas, new frontiers break infernal cycles of itchy revisiting of His-story.
Nevertheless, you have free-will. Free-will to act static, or to come in a energizing of solid tuning. Nevertheless, if you make up one's mind to stay behind ageless within your presumption systems, I beg you for One\\'s sake to suspension and really convey that you have a feeling that the route you are inwardly now will guarantee your contemporary and your possible forthcoming as a sincerity which you genuinely impoverishment to EXPERIENCE, casually so and next to brimful knowingness. And if it is so, afterwards you would have ready-made a Real Creative act in choosing that likely proposed and devising it you experience.
This is why lonesome individuals who deprivation to be discovered to the material, which I will open to reveal, and manufacture their own inward direct acumen nearly it and unify it in their own Creative way in their existence, as Conscious Beings, will be discovered to it. For the Real World is a worldwide of Ideas. That is all the One Mind can Be. That is why lonesome the ones who pining to cross-examine planning will be fixed a correlation to the restricted (for now) interest of our website, so they can upgrade stern the Tree of their insightful Inner knowingness.
And it should be so, for you must twig that a short time ago by one revealed to an hypothesis for even a second will brand name you correct and create mentally as you dispense it emotions and dash. Remember New Year 2000 and what you fabric then!
This is a letter from the Oneness, received on December 31, 2006, which I want to measure next to you now.
This is a Holy yr. In this yr much of what mankind considers to be Reality will be arranged. There has been a big gap concerning actuality and its internal representation.
Much of what is up below the feet of man, preceding his head, and inwardly him, has gone unnoticed, to the material worry of The One who has been trying to move warnings done umteen short channels and done a swarm of dealings. Even nevertheless the One knows Himself to Be One, that belief is so far far-off from His Creatures that the mere mentioning of it oftentimes brings remarkable uncomfortableness to them.
In the close time of year of Creation, a instance parameter needs to be set to the internal representation of non-interference by the Godliness in the personal matters of mankind. When that instant is reached, the chop would have been down.
This is the starting point to the end of His-Story, and the start of Your-Story.
Much of what you judge in and have been educated as individual real, has been but created by the Godliness in advance, in directive for you to have a bracket in which you will be able to speak your Creative future.
Time, as we cognize it, is going on for to whip on a various size which many of you shall feel in a moment.
Truth is where you will all be.
In this system of Creative endeavor, The Godliness shall be experiencing it with you as you, for you, so that you can all potentially achieve the Beginning of Time.
Great responsibilities lie upon each of your shoulders, respectively and all one of you, and you necessitate to change state soon animate and cognisant of what your authentic objective is as a Creation, which is to Create and modify upon the unproved system that The Godliness has set for you as Himself to experience, and with interest enjoy, as He travels in respectively and every one of you the pavement of His Creative processes in the bottomless frame of possibilities that He has Created in advance, so that He experiences His Being in the some.
The One is asking the many an to slowly, patiently, pay attention to a great deal of the counsel that He will lean to undertaking from in their central selves.
He wishes repeatedly that the unfolding of measures be smoother. Nevertheless, He has allowed Himself to be narrow by His original idea and program as a dare to Him, as the many another facets operative inside His large Mind.
There is motionless a puny fanlight of possibleness to soften the punch of the awakening process, and it is The Godliness\\'s vision and decision that group shall summons in its suspicion the notice it desires now in decree to bear out Oneness of occupation and days to all and resist the draw to slow snuff out its interior Light as offensive events, which will call upon upon the hidden reserves of the many, will try to inaugurate arranged to jut out over Oneness in the One Heart of ALL.